7.5. Configuration Properties

Configuration propertyDescription


Set to N (default) or Y, to disable/enable the Sales tab.


Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable the financial.pos.sales.credit-limit amount.


Credit limit amount applied for all users (Default: 0.00 ). This overrules any individual user credit limit. See Section 3.10.5, “Financial”.


Determines if the Swipe Card area is enhanced with a password entry field where the RFID is captured: OFF (default) | ON | AUTO. The AUTO value will turn the entry field ON for mobile devices.

Note: This value can be overruled for a POS with a special URL parameter. See Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet.


Set to Y (default) or N, to enable/disable the Deposit and Receipts tab.


Path to a sound file (mp3, wav, ...) relative to /opt/savapage/server/custom/web/ that is played after a POS transaction finished successfully.


Path to a sound file (mp3, wav, ...) relative to /opt/savapage/server/custom/web/ that is played after a POS transaction failed.

Sales labels


A comma separated list of POS Sales Locations to be applied as sales label prefix. Each location on the list is formatted as "LOC/location", where "LOC" is a unique N-letter upper-case mnemonic, "/" is a fixed separator, "location" is a case-sensitive single word used in UI context.

E.g. "A/LocationA,B/LocationB,C/LocationC". If a Web Cashier selects location "B", the sales prefix is "B".

Note: A POS can be fixed to a Location with a special URL parameter. See Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet.


Set to Y or N (default) to enable/disable financial.pos.sales.label.locations.


A comma separated list of POS Sales Shops in a Location, to be applied as sales label after the location label. Each shop on the list is formatted as "SHOP/shop", where "SHOP" is a unique N-letter upper-case mnemonic, "/" is a fixed separator, and "shop" is a case-sensitive single word used in UI context.

E.g. "F/Frontdesk,L/Library". If a Web Cashier selects shop "L" in location "B", the sales label is "B/L".

A shop can be restricted to one or more locations by appending the location mnemonics. E.g. "F/Frontdesk/A/C" restricts the "F/Frontdesk" shop to "A" and "C" locations.

Note: A POS can be fixed to a Shop with a special URL parameter. See Appendix E, URL Cheat Sheet.


Set to Y or N (default) to enable /disable financial.pos.sales.label.shops.


A comma separated list of POS Sales Items in a Shop to be applied as sales label after the shop label. Each item on the list is formatted as "ITEM/item", where "ITEM" is a unique N-letter upper-case mnemonic, "/" is a fixed separator, and "item" is a case-sensitive single word used in UI context.

E.g. "BK/Book,CA/Cafetaria,HW/Hardware". If a Web Cashier selects item "CA" in shop "L" of location "B", the sales label is "B/L/CA".

An item can be restricted for use with one or more shops by appending the shop mnemonics. E.g. "BK/Book/F/L" restricts the "BK/Book" item to "F" and "L" shops.


Set to Y or N (default) to enable/disable financial.pos.sales.label.items.


A comma separated list of POS Sales Prices for Items. Each price on the list is formatted as "PRICE/price", where "PRICE" is a unique N-digit amount in cents, "/" is a fixed separator, and "price" is the case-sensitive single word price in UI context. Prices are shown as preset choices.

E.g. "50/0.50,100/1.00,150/1.50,850/8.50".

A price can be restricted for use with one or more items by appending the item mnemonics. E.g. "850/8.50/BK/HW" restricts the "850/8.50" price to "BK" and "HW" items.


Set to Y or N (default) to enable/disable financial.pos.sales.label.prices.


The maximum number of financial.pos.sales.label.items that make items show as buttons before a select list is shown. Default: 7.


The maximum number of financial.pos.sales.label.prices that make prices show as buttons before a select list is shown. Default: 10.

Table 7.1. Point-of-Sale Configuration Properties