L.3. IPP Localization

User interface localization of regular IPP attributes and Internal IPP Extensions are part of SavaPage.

Localization of External IPP Extensions text, and optionally 16x16 pixel icons, must be supplied by XML files in the /opt/savapage/server/custom/cups/i18n directory. The default ipp-i18n.xml file is reserved for the English locale. Variants are created by appending the language locale to the base file name. For example: ipp-i18n_de.xml is the German version.

An annotated ipp-i18n.xml.template file is available in the target directory.

See Section, “Custom Text and Icons” for an example screenshot.


ipp-i18n*.xml files can also be used to override IPP localization that is part of SavaPage.


After creating or updating any of the ipp-i18n*.xml files you might need to restart the server to see the effect.