17.5. Secured JMX Connection

During the install process, SavaPage generates a dedicated self-signed key and certificate for securing JMX connections with SSL. The generated Java keystore is: /opt/savapage/server/data/jmxremote.ks with password savapage. Access to this file is restricted to the savapage user.

The JMX password for the admin user is held in /opt/savapage/server/data/jmxremote.password. Java needs the password to be provided in plain text, so access to this file is restricted to the savapage user.

The initial password is a random string generated by the installation process. It needs to be changed in the Admin Web App as described in Section, “JMX Agent”.


The default SavaPage JMX port is 8639. This can be changed by editing the file:


You need to restart SavaPage for this change to take effect.