3. Conventions used in this Document

3.1. Typographical Conventions

This is a list with examples of the typographical conventions used in this manual.


Executable program with options.

Enter ls --reverse to get a directory listing in reverse order.

A character or string indicating the start of an input field.

Enter you name after the Username: prompt.

User input.

John entered john as his login name.

A button.

Press the Cancel button.

A text prompt.

Enter your full name after the Name prompt.

Content that may or must be replaced by the user.

Please enter filename to save the content to.


Please open the file server.properties in your favorite editor.



A question-and-answer set.

Q: To be, or not to be?


To be, or not to be?


That is the question.

Key on a keyboard

Press F1 for help.

A combination of input actions.

Press CTRL+C to abort the program.

A selection or series of selections from a menu.

Select PrintSettings to open the dialog.

An inline code fragment.

Text in this format is used to show code examples, the contents of files, and console output, as well as the names of variables, commands, and other code excerpts in the text.

Code (listing).

Line A Inline annotation on A
Line B 1 Inline annotation on B
Line C 2


Comment for Line B.


Comment for Line C.

Link (external).

A link to an URI is formatted like this: https://wiki.savapage.org and mailto:support@savapage.org

Or as an alternative: Visit our website or write an email

Link (internal).

See Chapter 2, Server Installation of this manual.

Name of a variable.

In Perl, @ARGV contains the command line parameters used when the script was run.

Inline text that is some literal value.

When debug is activated more detailed logging is produced.

Table 1. Typographical conventions

3.2. Feature Preview

The icon above marks a section where a feature preview is discussed. This feature is operational yet impermanent, and available for preview to provoke feedback based on real world use. This may lead to it becoming permanent in a future release.

3.3. Notes

You should pay special attention to notes set apart from the text with the following icons:


Important notes are marked like this.


Notes provide extra background information.


Tips provide useful advice to make your life easier.


Indicate situations where you have to be careful what you are doing.


Where extreme care has to be taken.


Notes about a deprecated feature.


Additional notes to a Feature Preview.