Chapter 13. SavaPage on GNU/Linux

Table of Contents

13.1. The Installation Process
13.1.1. Manual extraction
13.1.2. The install process
13.2. Logs
13.3. OpenPGP Settings
13.4. IP Address Restriction
13.4.1. CIDR Notation
13.4.2. CIDR Set
13.5. Advanced Configuration
13.5.1. Alternative TCP/IP Settings
13.5.2. HTTP XFF Header Settings
13.5.3. Database Connection Settings
13.5.4. CUPS Settings
13.5.5. Server-side Download
13.5.6. RESTful Client
13.5.7. User Home Clean
13.5.8. Database Locking
13.5.9. pdf2cairo Image Strategy
13.5.10. Alternative File Locations
13.5.11. Miscellaneous Settings
13.5.12. System Environment
13.6. Upgrading SavaPage
13.7. Removing SavaPage from a GNU/Linux server

This section is a supplement to the Install Guide (see Chapter 2, Server Installation). It provides an in-depth explanation of the GNU/Linux installation process, the directory layout and tools involved.

Information in this chapter is technical in nature. It is expected that readers have prior experience with:

13.1. The Installation Process

SavaPage is supplied as a pre-compiled self-installing application. The installation process is designed to work with all major GNU/Linux distributions. To be sure if your GNU/Linux distro is supported out of the box, please check Section 1.2, “System Requirements”. Due to the varied nature of some installations and administrator preferences, often some manual configuration is required. This section describes the installation process in detail as well as some additional options available to system administrators.

13.1.1. Manual extraction

SavaPage is supplied in a self-extracting, self-installing archive. The archive is simply a tar archive compressed with gzip, and headed with a shell script to facilitate self-extracting. After extraction is complete, the installation script named install is executed to begin the install process in the directory where the archive resides (usually /opt/savapage). Some system administrators may like to inspect the contents of the archive, and possibly the installation process itself prior to the actual install.

The self-extracting installer takes a number of command line arguments. The -e option will extract the archive into the current working directory ready for inspection. With the -n switch the -i install will be non-interactive. With this mode you implicitly agree with the AGPL license, and root tasks are collected in a MUST-RUN-AS-ROOT script located in the install directory. This script must be run manually as root after the installation. Further usage information is available via the -h switch.

SavaPage Install (c) 2010-2018, Datraverse B.V.
License: GNU AGPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Usage: savapage-setup-1.0.0-linux-x64.bin [-h|-i|-e|-l] [-n] [-v] [FILE]...
        -h      This help text.
        -i      Install after extracting the files (default).
        -n      Non-interactive install: execute MUST-RUN-AS-ROOT afterwards.
        -e      Extract all files or a FILE list and exit without installing. 
        -l      List the contents of the archive and exit without extracting.
        -v      Verbose. Print the names of the files as they are extracted.

13.1.2. The install process

Even though the majority of the installation process is completed under the identity of the system user account called savapage, most administrators would like to know what the install process does. The main steps are outlined in the next paragraphs. Extraction

The first stage in the install process extracts the archive to /tmp or a location as defined by an environment variable TMPDIR. The command-line programs tar and gunzip are used during this phase. Installation

After extraction is complete the install script is called. The current directory is passed as -d option argument, to be used as install location. Also, the -n switch, used at the setup binary, is propagated to this script. The extracted files are copied to the install location. Care is taken not to overwrite any existing data or configuration files if this is an install-over-the-top upgrade.

SavaPage Install (c) 2010-2018, Datraverse B.V.

License: GNU AGPL version 3 or later <>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

Usage: install [OPTION]...
        -d <dir>  The target location, usually the /opt/savapage directory.
        -h        This help text.
        -n        Non-interactive install: execute MUST-RUN-AS-ROOT afterwards. Permissions

To ensure the default installation is secure by default, permissions are applied to key files. The following /opt/savapage/server areas of the application are restricted to the savapage user only:

data/This directory contains application data including database files. Some of this data may contain sensitive information.
data/server.propertiesContains server configuration properties. See Section 13.5, “Advanced Configuration”.
data/admin.propertiesContains the hashed password of the reserved internal admin user.
data/jmxremote.passwordContains the plain text password of the reserved JMX admin user. See Section, “JMX Agent”.
data/jmxremote.ksThe private keystore used by the JMX Agent.
bin/linux-x64/This directory contains the savapage-pam setuid-root binary. Even though the binary is no use to an end-user or hacker, good security practice stipulates that we should only allow the savapage user access to this directory.

Table 13.1. Secured Application Areas

Permissions can be checked and re-applied any time after the installation by running the script:

/opt/savapage/server/bin/linux-x64/setperms Firewall

The SavaPage Application Server runs in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) process and listens on ports 8631 and 8632 and 8633 (SSL). These ports are used for Web App access, printing and other services. Ensure that any firewall or local IP filtering software such as iptables is set to allow local network traffic access to this ports. Root Level Tasks

A small part of the install process needs to run as the root account. The tasks conducted as root include:

  • Setting the /opt/savapage/server/bin/linux-x64/savapage-pam binary as setuid-root. This binary is used for password verification.

  • Installing the /opt/savapage/providers/cups/linux-x64/savapage-notifier binary as CUPS event notifier. This binary is used to send CUPS printer and print job status events to the central SavaPage server. See Section, “CUPS Notifier”.

  • Setting up a systemd unit for GNU/Linux systems that use the systemd service manager. This is done by creating a savapage.service file in the systemd unit library. Depending on the distribution the unit will either be created in the /lib/systemd/system/ or /usr/lib/systemd/system/ directory. The unit is started and enabled.

  • Setting up a custom systemd unit for the CUPS scheduler cupsd.

    • When the scheduler is run from systemd some systems pass the -l parameter so cupsd is run on demand by socket and path activation. The advantage of this setup is that CUPS is activated when needed, saving precious boot time and resources, and deactivated again after being idle for a while. This lazy activation scenario is efficient for desktop systems that print occasionally and for which printing is not time critical.

    • However, dedicated print systems like SavaPage, that intensively use IPP to communicate with CUPS, need CUPS to be full-time activated. Therefore a custom systemd cups.service unit is installed in /etc/systemd/system/ to override the default /lib/systemd/system/cups.service shipped with the CUPS package. This custom unit starts cupsd with the -f parameter so it runs steadily in the foreground (without dependencies for cups.socket and cups.path).

  • Setting up SysV style start scripts for Debian based systems that use the SysV service manager. This is done by placing symlinks in the:

    and so on...

If the administrator decides not to run the root-level tasks during the install process, the tasks can be run again post-install by executing the shell scripts:


and ...


Alternatively the administrator can view the script and make the required changes by hand.