Appendix C. Tools

Table of Contents

C.1. Server Commands
C.1.1. Common Options
C.1.2. addInternalUser
C.1.3. addUserGroup
C.1.4. changeBaseCurrency
C.1.5. deleteUser
C.1.6. deleteUserGroup
C.1.7. deleteUserGroupAccount
C.1.8. eraseUser
C.1.9. getConfigProperty
C.1.10. listUsers
C.1.11. listUserGroups
C.1.12. listUserGroupMembers
C.1.13. listUserGroupMemberships
C.1.14. listUserSourceGroups
C.1.15. listUserSourceGroupMembers
C.1.16. listUserSourceGroupNesting
C.1.17. printerAccessControl
C.1.18. printerSnmp
C.1.19. setConfigProperty
C.1.20. setUserProperties
C.1.21. setUserGroupProperties
C.1.22. syncUserGroup
C.1.23. syncUsersAndGroups
C.1.24. systemStatus
C.2. Web Services
C.2.1. XML-RPC
C.2.3. RESTful API
C.3. Atom Feed Service
C.4. Database Commands
C.4.1. db-check
C.4.2. db-check-fix
C.4.3. db-config-get
C.4.4. db-config-set
C.4.5. db-delete-logs
C.4.6. db-export and db-export-to
C.4.7. db-import
C.4.8. db-init
C.5. Stopping and Starting the Server
C.6. SSL Key Generation
C.6.1. Re-Create the Self-Signed Certificate
C.6.2. Importing an Existing SSL Certificate
C.6.3. Installing the Keystore

C.1. Server Commands

The savapage-cmd tool provides a command-line interface to SavaPage Server methods. It can directly be executed on the command-line or be part of more elaborate shell scripts.

For security reasons only users with read access to the /opt/savapage/server/data/ file have the right to execute the command. So, the sure way to go is ...

sudo su - savapage
cd server/bin/linux-x64

... and to execute savapage-cmd from here, and ...

./savapage-cmd --help

... will echo all methods available:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Note: use METHOD --help for method details.

usage: [METHOD] [OPTION]...
    --add-internal-user                Creates a new or Updates an existing Internal
    --add-user-group                   Adds a user group from the external user
                                       source: synchronized external users belonging
                                       to this group are added as member.
    --change-base-currency             Changes the base currency of the application.
    --delete-user                      Logically deletes a User.
    --delete-user-group                Deletes a user group.
    --delete-user-group-account        Logically deletes a User Group Account.
    --erase-user                       Erases a User, complying to GDPR Data Erasure
                                       (Right to be Forgotten).
    --get-config-property              Gets configuration property value.
    --list-users                       Lists the names of all the Users in the
                                       system, sorted by user name, one per line.
    --list-user-groups                 Lists the names of all the User Groups in the
                                       system, sorted by name, one per line.
    --list-user-group-members          Lists the names of the user group members in
                                       the system, sorted by user name, one per line.
    --list-user-group-memberships      Lists the names of the groups a user belongs
                                       to, sorted by name, one per line.
    --list-user-source-groups          Lists the names of all the groups in the user
                                       source, sorted by name, one per line.
    --list-user-source-group-members   Lists the names of the (nested) user group
                                       members in the user source, sorted by user
                                       name, one per line.
    --list-user-source-group-nesting   Lists a space indented hierarchy of nested
                                       groups within a group. Nested groups are only
                                       supported by Active Directory, all other user
                                       sources return an empty list.
    --printer-access-control           Controls user groups to either allow or deny
                                       access to a proxy printer.
    --printer-snmp                     Reads SNMP info from a printer.
    --set-config-property              Sets configuration property value.
    --set-user-properties              Sets properties for an existing Internal or
                                       External User.
    --set-user-group-properties        Sets properties of an Internal or External
                                       User Group.
    --sync-user-group                  Synchronizes a user group with the external
                                       user source, updating group membership.
    --sync-users-and-groups            Starts user and group synchronization with
                                       external user source.
    --system-status                    Gets the system status enum value: READY,
                                       SETUP, UNAVAILABLE, MAINTENANCE.
 -help,--help                          Displays this help text.
    --help-all                         Displays help text of all methods.


The number of available methods will grow according to customer needs. Please contact support if you need a method that is missing.

C.1.1. Common Options

C.1.1.1. Keep Switches

--keep-* option switches are used to not overwrite existing values.

For example, the --keep-card, --keep-pin and --keep-password switches make their corresponding --card, --pin and --password options act as defaults in those cases where values have not yet been set.

Some examples:

# Overwrite any PIN set by user. 
--add-internal-user --username "guest-john" --pin "1234"

# Preserve any PIN set by user.
--add-internal-user --username "guest-john" --pin "1234" --keep-pin

C.1.1.2. Remove Switches

--remove-* option switches are used to clear values. Since the absence of a command-line option (or an empty value in batch mode CSV/TSV files) can not be interpreted as no value (null), the --remove switch comes to help to explicitly nullify values.

This implies that blank values on the command-line and in batch mode input files are ignored. So, this command has no effect ...

--add-internal-user --username "guest-john" --pin ""

... use this command instead ...

--set-user-properties --username "guest-john" --remove-pin

When an option does not have a --remove-* switch, there is no way to clear the corresponding field. For example, since --remove-full-name is not available, there is no way to clear the User field full-name from the command-line (see Section C.1.20, “setUserProperties”).

C.1.1.3. Locale Option

Some methods pass numeric values that are formatted according to the locale. In these cases the locale can be specified with a separate option like this:

 -locale <arg>                        The IETF BCP 47 Locale used for numeric values.
                                      Example values are: en, en-GB, en-US, nl,
                                      nl-NL, nl-BE. [defaults to system default


The actual system default locale depends on your terminal session settings.

C.1.1.4. Batch Mode Options

Some methods have options for passing values in batch mode. Below are the standard batch mode parameters:

 -batch                               Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV
 -continue                            Continues batch processing after a batch line
                                      execution error.
 -input <arg>                         Batch input file: optional with stdin as
 -charset <arg>                       IANA Charset Name of batch input character
                                      encoding [default: utf-8].

So instead of using these three commands ...

./savapage-cmd --add-internal-user --username john --password rTf4g
./savapage-cmd --add-internal-user --username dave --password 9j6Tw
./savapage-cmd --add-internal-user --username mick --password f75L2

... you can use this single batch command ...

./savapage-cmd --add-internal-user -batch -input /home/rijk/add-internal-user.csv

.. where the file add-internal-user.csv looks like this:


Input files must have the extension .csv or .tsv as indication for a comma or tab separated file format.

The first line in the file must be the comma or tab separated list of parameters. The convention is that the parameter names are identical to their command line counterpart, except for the -- prefix. The next lines simply contain the comma or tab separated parameter values.

Option switches like applied in the command below ...

--set-user-properties --username "john" --pin 1234 --remove-card --full-name "John Brown"
--set-user-properties --username "carol" --pin 4713 --keep-pin --full-name "Carol Johnson"

... can be applied in a CSV file like this:

"john",1234,,"true","John Brown"
"carol",4713,"true",,"Carol Johnson"


By default, batch processing is interrupted after a batch line execution error. With the -continue switch set, it will instead continue processing. After the batch finishes it will return error code 5 to distinguish continuation from an immediate termination, which is reported with error return code 1.


In a CSV/TSV file any blank switch value is interpreted as not present (false), any non-blank value as present (true).

C.1.2. addInternalUser

./savapage-cmd --add-internal-user --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : addInternalUser
Version : 0.30

Creates a new or updates an existing Internal User.

usage: --add-internal-user [OPTION]...
    --username <text(50)>             [required] Unique user name.
    --password <text(64)>             [optional] Password.
    --full-name <text(255)>           [optional] Full user name.
    --email <text(255)>               [optional] Primary Email address.
    --email-other <list>              [optional] List of space separated other
                                      (secondary) Email addresses.
    --card <text(16)>                 [optional] NFC Card Number.
    --card-format <HEX|DEC>           [optional] NFC Card Number Format [default:
    --card-first-byte <LSB|MSB>       [optional] NFC Card Number First Byte [default:
    --id <text(16)>                   [optional] ID Number.
    --pin <text(16)>                  [optional] PIN for ID and Card.
    --yubikey <text(12)>              [optional] YubiKey Public ID.
    --uuid <text(36)>                 [optional] The user's secret UUID.
    --balance <decimal>               [optional] The user's initial account balance.
                                      This value is ignored when a balance is already
    --balance-comment <text(255)>     [optional] A comment to be associated with the
                                      --balance transaction.
    --credit-limit                    [optional] Assign default credit limit amount.
    --credit-limit-amount <decimal>   [optional] Assign custom credit limit amount.
    --credit-limit-none               [optional] no credit limit restriction (opposed
                                      to --credit-limit and --credit-limit-amount).
    --keep-card                       [optional] Keep existing Card Number, or use
                                      --card value when not present.
    --keep-id                         [optional] Keep existing ID Number, or use --id
                                      value when not present.
    --keep-email-other                [optional] Keep existing other (secondary)
                                      Email addresses, or use --email-other value
                                      when not present.
    --keep-password                   [optional] Keep existing Password, or use
                                      --password value when not present.
    --keep-pin                        [optional] Keep existing PIN, or use --pin
                                      value when not present.
    --keep-uuid                       [optional] Keep existing UUID, or use --uuid
                                      value when not present.
 -h,--help                            Displays this help text.
 -batch                               Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV
 -continue                            Continues batch processing after a batch line
                                      execution error.
 -input <arg>                         Batch input file: optional with stdin as
 -charset <arg>                       IANA Charset Name of batch input character
                                      encoding [default: utf-8].
 -locale <arg>                        The IETF BCP 47 Locale used for numeric values.
                                      Example values are: en, en-GB, en-US, nl,
                                      nl-NL, nl-BE. [defaults to system default

C.1.3. addUserGroup

./savapage-cmd --add-user-group --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : addUserGroup
Version : 0.10

Adds a user group from the external user source: synchronized external users
belonging to this group are added as member.

usage: --add-user-group [OPTION]...
    --groupname <text(255)>   [required] Unique group name.
 -h,--help                    Displays this help text.

C.1.4. changeBaseCurrency

./savapage-cmd --change-base-currency --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : changeBaseCurrency
Version : 0.10

Changes the base currency of the application.

This action creates financial transactions to align each account to the new 
currency: the current account balance is nullified by a debit transaction
and replaced with the new currency according to the exchange rate via a
credit transaction.

Individual credit limits are converted as well, default credit limits are not.

WARNING: Create a database back-up before executing this command!

usage: --change-base-currency [OPTION]...
    --from <text(3)>            [required] The current currency code (ISO 4217).
    --to <text(3)>              [required] The new currency code (ISO 4217).
    --exchange-rate <decimal>   [required] The exchange rate.
    --test                      [optional] Dry run, changes are not committed.
 -h,--help                      Displays this help text.

C.1.5. deleteUser

./savapage-cmd --delete-user --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : deleteUser
Version : 0.10

Logically deletes a User.

usage: --delete-user [OPTION]...
    --username <text(50)>   [required] Unique user name.
 -h,--help                  Displays this help text.
 -batch                     Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV input.
 -continue                  Continues batch processing after a batch line
                            execution error.
 -input <arg>               Batch input file: optional with stdin as default.
 -charset <arg>             IANA Charset Name of batch input character encoding
                            [default: utf-8].

C.1.6. deleteUserGroup

./savapage-cmd --delete-user-group --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : deleteUserGroup
Version : 0.10

Deletes a user group.

usage: --delete-user-group [OPTION]...
    --groupname <text(255)>   [required] Unique group name.
 -h,--help                    Displays this help text.

C.1.7. deleteUserGroupAccount

./savapage-cmd --delete-user-group-account --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : deleteUserGroupAccount
Version : 0.10

Logically deletes a User Group Account.

usage: --delete-user-group-account [OPTION]...
    --groupname <text(255)>   [required] Unique group name.
 -h,--help                    Displays this help text.

This method has the same effect as ticking the Delete checkbox in the Edit Account dialog.

C.1.8. eraseUser

./savapage-cmd --erase-user --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : eraseUser
Version : 0.10

Erases a User, complying to GDPR Data Erasure (Right to be Forgotten).

usage: --erase-user [OPTION]...
    --username <text(50)>   [required] Unique user name.
 -h,--help                  Displays this help text.
 -batch                     Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV input.
 -continue                  Continues batch processing after a batch line execution
 -input <arg>               Batch input file: optional with stdin as default.
 -charset <arg>             IANA Charset Name of batch input character encoding
                            [default: utf-8].

This command clears the user's personal data in the active database, including all identifying content from the transaction log, document log and personal account. Transaction and document log details are still held in the database for reporting purposes, but without any user related data. The user is also logically deleted, when not already done so: see Section C.1.5, “deleteUser” and Section 4.11.2, “User Creation”.


When a database is restored, erased users might be restored as identifiable users again. Therefore, keep Data Erasure requests in a separate administration, so that they can easily be retrieved and re-executed.


Erasing users without deleting them from their external user source has a temporary effect, since they will be created again at the next synchronization.


Data Erasure does not include database backups and log files.

C.1.9. getConfigProperty

./savapage-cmd --get-config-property --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : getConfigProperty
Version : 0.10

Gets configuration property value.

This is an advanced command. Please contact SavaPage Support before use.

usage: --get-config-property [OPTION]...
    --name <text(100)>   [required] Property name.
 -h,--help               Displays this help text.


Values that are stored encrypted are returned decrypted. See Section 17.6, “Encrypted Secrets”.

Also see Section C.4.3, “db-config-get” and Section C.1.19, “setConfigProperty”.

C.1.10. listUsers

./savapage-cmd --list-users --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : listUsers
Version : 0.10

Lists the names of all the Users in the system, sorted by user name, one per line.

usage: --list-users [OPTION]...
 -h,--help   Displays this help text.

C.1.11. listUserGroups

./savapage-cmd --list-user-groups --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : listUserGroups
Version : 0.10

Lists the names of all the User Groups in the system, sorted by name, one per line.

usage: --list-user-groups [OPTION]...
 -h,--help   Displays this help text.

C.1.12. listUserGroupMembers

./savapage-cmd --list-user-group-members --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : listUserGroupMembers
Version : 0.10

Lists the names of the user group members in the system, sorted by user name,
one per line.

usage: --list-user-group-members [OPTION]...
    --groupname <text(255)>   [required] Unique group name.
 -h,--help                    Displays this help text.

C.1.13. listUserGroupMemberships

./savapage-cmd --list-user-group-memberships --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : listUserGroupMemberships
Version : 0.10

Lists the names of the groups a user belongs to, sorted by name, one per line.

usage: --list-user-group-memberships [OPTION]...
    --username <text(50)>   [required] Unique user name.
 -h,--help                  Displays this help text.

C.1.14. listUserSourceGroups

./savapage-cmd --list-user-source-groups --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : listUserSourceGroups
Version : 0.10

Lists the names of all the groups in the user source, sorted by name, one per line.

usage: --list-user-source-groups [OPTION]...
 -h,--help   Displays this help text.

C.1.15. listUserSourceGroupMembers

./savapage-cmd --list-user-source-group-members --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : listUserSourceGroupMembers
Version : 0.10

Lists the names of the (nested) user group members in the user source,
sorted by user name, one per line.

usage: --list-user-source-group-members [OPTION]...
    --groupname <text(255)>   [required] Unique group name.
    --nested                  [optional] Accumulate members from nested groups
                              (Active Directory only).
 -h,--help                    Displays this help text.

C.1.16. listUserSourceGroupNesting

./savapage-cmd --list-user-source-group-nesting --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : listUserSourceGroupNesting
Version : 0.10

Lists a space indented hierarchy of nested groups within a group. Nested groups
are only supported by Active Directory, all other user sources return an empty list.

usage: --list-user-source-group-nesting [OPTION]...
    --groupname <text(255)>   [required] Unique group name.
 -h,--help                    Displays this help text.

C.1.17. printerAccessControl

./savapage-cmd --printer-access-control --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : printerAccessControl
Version : 0.10

Controls user groups to either allow or deny access to a proxy printer.

usage: --printer-access-control [OPTION]...
    --printername <text(255)>   [required] CUPS name of the proxy printer.
    --allow                     [optional] Allow access to --groupname (existing
                                denied user groups are removed).
    --deny                      [optional] Deny access to --groupname (existing
                                allowed user groups are removed).
    --remove                    [optional] Remove --groupname from the access list.
    --groupname <text(255)>     [optional] Name of the user group to --allow, --deny
                                or --remove access
    --remove-all                [optional] Remove all user groups from the access
    --list                      [optional] Echoes the access list to stdout in CSV
 -h,--help                      Displays this help text.

C.1.18. printerSnmp

./savapage-cmd --printer-snmp --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : printerSnmp
Version : 0.20

Reads SNMP info from a printer.

usage: --printer-snmp [OPTION]...
    --printername <text(255)>   [optional] CUPS printer name used to resolve host
                                name (required when --host is not set).
    --host <text>               [optional] Host name or IP address of the printer
                                (required when --printername is not set).
    --port <number>             [optional] SNMP port number (default 161).
    --community <text>          [optional] SNMP community (default "public").
    --version <1|2c>            [optional] SNMP version (default "1").
 -h,--help                      Displays this help text.

C.1.19. setConfigProperty

./savapage-cmd --set-config-property --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : setConfigProperty
Version : 0.10

Sets configuration property value.

The property must be present in the database. Not all properties are available for update.
This is an advanced command. Please contact SavaPage Support before use.

usage: --set-config-property [OPTION]...
    --name <text(100)>     [required] Property name.
    --value <text(1000)>   [required] Property value.
 -h,--help                 Displays this help text.
 -batch                    Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV input.
 -continue                 Continues batch processing after a batch line execution
 -input <arg>              Batch input file: optional with stdin as default.
 -charset <arg>            IANA Charset Name of batch input character encoding
                           [default: utf-8].


Some values will be stored encrypted. See Section 17.6, “Encrypted Secrets”.

Also see Section C.4.4, “db-config-set” and Section C.1.9, “getConfigProperty”.

C.1.20. setUserProperties

./savapage-cmd --set-user-properties --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : setUserProperties
Version : 0.30

Sets properties for an existing Internal or External User.

usage: --set-user-properties [OPTION]...
    --username <text(50)>             [required] Unique user name.
    --password <text(64)>             [optional] Password (Internal User only).
    --full-name <text(255)>           [optional] Full user name.
    --email <text(255)>               [optional] Primary Email address.
    --email-other <list>              [optional] List of space separated other
                                      (secondary) Email addresses.
    --card <text(16)>                 [optional] NFC Card Number.
    --card-format <HEX|DEC>           [optional] NFC Card Number Format [default:
    --card-first-byte <LSB|MSB>       [optional] NFC Card Number First Byte [default:
    --id <text(16)>                   [optional] ID Number.
    --pin <text(16)>                  [optional] PIN for ID and Card.
    --yubikey <text(12)>              [optional] YubiKey Public ID.
    --uuid <text(36)>                 [optional] The user's secret UUID.
    --balance <decimal>               [optional] The user's current account balance.
    --balance-comment <text(255)>     [optional] A comment to be associated with the
                                      --balance transaction.
    --credit-limit                    [optional] Assign default credit limit amount.
    --credit-limit-amount <decimal>   [optional] Assign custom credit limit amount.
    --credit-limit-none               [optional] No credit limit restriction (opposed
                                      to --credit-limit and --credit-limit-amount).
    --keep-card                       [optional] Keep existing Card Number, or use
                                      --card value when not present.
    --keep-id                         [optional] Keep existing ID Number, or use --id
                                      value when not present.
    --keep-email-other                [optional] Keep existing other (secondary)
                                      Email addresses, or use --email-other value
                                      when not present.
    --keep-password                   [optional] Keep existing Password, or use
                                      --password value when not present (Internal
                                      User only).
    --keep-pin                        [optional] Keep existing PIN, or use --pin
                                      value when not present.
    --keep-uuid                       [optional] Keep existing UUID, or use --uuid
                                      value when not present.
    --remove-email                    [optional] Remove Primary Email address
                                      (opposed to --email).
    --remove-email-other              [optional] Remove other (secondary) Email
                                      addresses (opposed to --email-other).
    --remove-card                     [optional] Remove NFC Card Number (opposed to
    --remove-id                       [optional] Remove ID Number (opposed to --id).
    --remove-password                 [optional] Remove Password (Internal User
    --remove-pin                      [optional] Remove PIN (opposed to --pin).
    --remove-yubikey                  [optional] Remove YubiKey Public ID (opposed to
    --remove-uuid                     [optional] Remove UUID (opposed to --uuid).
 -h,--help                            Displays this help text.
 -batch                               Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or TSV
 -continue                            Continues batch processing after a batch line
                                      execution error.
 -input <arg>                         Batch input file: optional with stdin as
 -charset <arg>                       IANA Charset Name of batch input character
                                      encoding [default: utf-8].
 -locale <arg>                        The IETF BCP 47 Locale used for numeric values.
                                      Example values are: en, en-GB, en-US, nl,
                                      nl-NL, nl-BE. [defaults to system default

C.1.21. setUserGroupProperties

./savapage-cmd --set-user-group-properties --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : setUserGroupProperties
Version : 0.11

Sets properties of an Internal or External User Group.

usage: --set-user-group-properties [OPTION]...
    --groupname <text(255)>              [required] Unique group name.
    --balance <decimal>                  [optional] The user's initial account
    --credit-limit                       [optional] Assign default credit limit
                                         amount to new users.
    --credit-limit-amount <decimal>      [optional] Assign custom credit limit amount
                                         to new users.
    --credit-limit-none                  [optional] Assign no credit limit
                                         restriction to new users (opposed to
                                         --credit-limit and --credit-limit-amount).
    --role-job-ticket-creator <Y|N|U>    [optional] Assign Job Ticket Creator role.
    --role-job-ticket-operator <Y|N|U>   [optional] Assign Job Ticket Operator role.
    --role-print-creator <Y|N|U>         [optional] Assign Print Creator role.
    --role-print-delegate <Y|N|U>        [optional] Assign Print Delegate role.
    --role-print-delegator <Y|N|U>       [optional] Assign Print Delegator role.
    --role-web-cashier <Y|N|U>           [optional] Assign Web Cashier role.
 -h,--help                               Displays this help text.
 -batch                                  Enables batch mode: executing from CSV or
                                         TSV input.
 -continue                               Continues batch processing after a batch
                                         line execution error.
 -input <arg>                            Batch input file: optional with stdin as
 -charset <arg>                          IANA Charset Name of batch input character
                                         encoding [default: utf-8].
 -locale <arg>                           The IETF BCP 47 Locale used for numeric
                                         values. Example values are: en, en-GB,
                                         en-US, nl, nl-NL, nl-BE. [defaults to system
                                         default en-US].

C.1.22. syncUserGroup

./savapage-cmd --sync-user-group --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : syncUserGroup
Version : 0.10

Synchronizes a user group with the external user source, updating group membership.

usage: --sync-user-group [OPTION]...
    --groupname <text(255)>   [required] The name of the group to synchronize.
 -h,--help                    Displays this help text.

C.1.23. syncUsersAndGroups

./savapage-cmd --sync-users-and-groups --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : syncUsersAndGroups
Version : 0.10

Starts user and group synchronization with external user source.

This is equivalent to clicking "Synchronize now" in the Admin Web App.
Synchronization completes in the background.

usage: --sync-users-and-groups [OPTION]...
    --delete-users   [optional] Remove users that do not exist in external user
 -h,--help           Displays this help text.

See Section 4.11.2, “User Creation”.

C.1.24. systemStatus

./savapage-cmd ---system-status --help

... gives the options:

SavaPage Command Line Interface

Method  : systemStatus
Version : 0.10

Gets the system status enum value: READY, SETUP, UNAVAILABLE, MAINTENANCE.

usage: --system-status [OPTION]...
 -h,--help   Displays this help text.

This command is identical to Section C.2.2.1, “systemStatus”.