4.9. Devices

A Device is a hardware component with a dedicated function.

SavaPage defines devices of type Terminal and Network Card Reader. They are identified by IP address and, in case of the reader, a port number. The combination of IP-address and Type must be unique.


Although most of the time an IP address will harbor one device type, this constraint does allow that Terminal and Network Card Reader are combined on a single physical device.

After a tap on the Devices button in the main menu this panel is shown. See Section 4.2, “Menu”.

Admin Web App: Device - List

Figure 4.71. Admin Web App: Device - List

All Devices are listed alphabetically by default. A different selection and sorting can be entered: see Figure 4.72, “Admin Web App: Device - Select and Sort”. Press the New Terminal... or New Card Reader... button to create a new Device.

Devices are marked with an icon and hold the following items:

A Network Card Reader used for NFC Card Login at a Terminal.

A Network Card Reader used for NFC Card Proxy Print Authentication.

A Terminal with custom settings.

A Terminal with custom settings and a Network Card Reader used for NFC Card Login.


Due to Admin Privileges certain buttons might not be visible.

Admin Web App: Device - Select and Sort

Figure 4.72. Admin Web App: Device - Select and Sort

4.9.1. Network Card Reader

A Network Card Reader device runs the SavaPage Network Card Reader Service . Custom User Login

Admin Web App: Devices - Network Card Reader - Custom User Login

Figure 4.73. Admin Web App: Devices - Network Card Reader - Custom User Login


A Network Card Reader can be used as NFC Card Login authenticator by just one Terminal. Proxy Print Authentication

A Network Card Reader can act as print job authenticator for a single Proxy Printer or a Proxy Printer Group.

When the reader device is placed next to the printer device this setup implements Follow-me Printing.

Admin Web App: Devices - Network Card Reader - Proxy Print Authentication

Figure 4.74. Admin Web App: Devices - Network Card Reader - Proxy Print Authentication

Checking the Proxy Print Authentication option shows all the detail options. The Print Mode determines the authentication scenario. Basically there are three modi: Fast, Hold and Direct. Fast Mode can be combined with Hold and Direct Mode. See Section, “Combining Print Modes”.


A Network Card Reader can be deployed for just one purpose. Either for Proxy Print Authentication or for Custom User Login at a Terminal Device.


When using Proxy Print Authentication concurrently with the User Web App and User Client you are strongly advised to use an external database like PostgreSQL. See Chapter 21, Using an External Database. Fast Print Mode

Fast Print Mode applies to a Single Printer and supports the following scenario:

  1. User prints one or more jobs to SavaPage. See Chapter 14, SavaPage as Printer.

  2. User walks to the printer.

  3. User swipes NFC token along the reader.

  4. As a result he gets one (1) printed copy of all SafePages jobs according to the default printer settings.


    If Inherit IPP options from print-in document is enabled, the IPP Options from PostScript Driver Print-in document(s) are used.

Expired SafePages documents are skipped and cleared. The expiry period is set in Section 4.11.8, “Proxy Print”. A user can extend fast job expiry in the User Web App. See Section 3.5.1, “Printer Selection”.

Expired documents whose deletion is not triggered by Fast Print release are eventually deleted during User Home Clean.

  • A Fast Print clears all SafePages after printing.

  • This scenario does not need any action in the User Web App. Therefore, it is the shortest way to proxy print with SavaPage.


Fast Print Mode is meant for straightforward proxy printing without intervening editing. So, when users open the Web App and perform a Delete or Sort on their SafePages they are supposed to use Hold Print instead. When a Fast Print is tried on edited content, nothing is printed and all SafePages will be cleared as a result.


When Fast Mode is combined with Hold or Direct Mode, and a Printer Group is specified, one of the printers from the group must be specified as Single Printer.


For Fast Mode printers with a single tray holding A4 media, PPD Extensions can be used to configure an extra virtual tray for Letter media. See Section K.6.1, “Fast Print A4 and Letter to Single Tray”. Hold Print Mode

Hold Print Mode applies to a Single Printer or Printer Group and supports the following scenario:

  1. User prints one or more jobs to SavaPage. See Chapter 14, SavaPage as Printer.

  2. User opens the User Web App and proxy prints to either the Single Printer or one of the printers from the Printer Group.

  3. As a result the proxy print job is held.

  4. User walks to the chosen printer.

  5. User swipes NFC token along the reader.

  6. As a result all hold jobs for the printer are printed.

Expired hold jobs are skipped and cleared. The expiry period is set in Section 4.11.8, “Proxy Print”. A user can delete hold jobs or extend expiry in the User Web App. See Section, “Hold Print Jobs”.

Expired hold jobs whose deletion is not triggered by print release or an active user session are eventually deleted during User Home Clean. Direct Print Mode

Direct Print Mode applies to a Single Printer or Printer Group and supports the following scenario:

  1. User prints one or more jobs to SavaPage. See Chapter 14, SavaPage as Printer.

  2. User opens the User Web App in their mobile device.

  3. User selects either the Single Printer or one of the printers from the Printer Group. See Section 3.5.1, “Printer Selection”.

  4. User selects printer and job settings.

  5. User walks to the chosen printer.

  6. User presses the Print button in the Web App.

  7. As a result a dialog pops up prompting the user to swipe an NFC Card for authentication. See Section 3.5.6, “Direct Print Release”. User has a 10 second time limit to swipe their card. The time limit is set in Section 4.11.8, “Proxy Print”.

  8. User swipes NFC token along the reader.

  9. As a result the job is printed. Combining Print Modes

Combining Fast and Hold Print Mode either in one proxy printer, or over different printers, needs special attention. Namely, if a user creates a Hold Print Job and does not delete the origin SafePages, the same SafePages will remain the target of a Fast Print, leading to duplicate prints. As this may be intended in rare cases, in the majority of cases this will not be intended by the user. To protect the user from unintended duplicate printing the following rules are applied:

  • If Hold jobs exist for any printer, a Fast Print is only done when Proxy Printing is configured to Always remove SafePages after printing. This way, because all SafePages are cleared after creating a Hold Job, we know for sure that present SafePages are not part of any Hold Print Job. See Section 4.11.8, “Proxy Print”.

  • As a consequence, when Proxy Printing is not configured to Always remove SafePages after printing, all SafePages will be ad-hoc cleared after a Hold Print release. This will prevent that, after all Hold jobs are released at Hold-only printers, and no Hold jobs exist for any printer, remaining SafePages will be Fast Printed anyway.

The Fast + Hold Print Mode supports the following scenario:

  1. User creates a Hold Proxy Print Job.

    • All SafePages are removed after printing.

  2. User prints one or more jobs to SavaPage.

  3. User walks up to the Fast + Hold target printer of the Hold Print Job.

  4. User swipes NFC token along the reader.

  5. As a result:

    1. All Hold jobs for the printer are printed.

    2. One (1) copy of all SafePages jobs is printed with the default printer settings.

When a user created Hold Print jobs for different printers, each supporting Fast + Hold Print Mode, obviously the Fast Print occurs at the first printer visited.

4.9.2. Terminal

A Terminal runs customized SavaPage Web App Sessions on a specific device.

Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom Proxy Print

Figure 4.75. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom Proxy Print

  • The Idle Seconds before auto logout is targeted at public Terminals and is meant to protect users who forget to logout when done. Enter a number of seconds: the Web App will automatically logout after this period of inactivity. Enter 0 (zero) when no auto logout is desirable. Custom Proxy Print

A Terminal can restrict printing to a single Proxy Printer or Proxy Printer Group. This is usually done for printers that need to be secured according to global Proxy Print defaults for Non-Secure Proxy Print. When the Terminal device is placed next to a (group of) printer(s), this setup implements Pull Printing.

Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom Proxy Print

Figure 4.76. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom Proxy Print

Check the Custom Proxy Print option and search/select the name of a Single Printer or Printer Group Target.


A Proxy Printer assigned to a terminal, directly or by Printer Group membership, can not be accessed on other terminals.


Assigning printers to a terminal does not automatically imply that these printers are available to all users. Eventually, Printer Access Control, User Roles, User Group Roles and User Group Privileges, determines whether or not a user sees a printer.


A Proxy Printer Group can have members that all point to the same printer device. By restricting access to each member with Printer Access Control you can show a single printer with a tailored set-up to specific User Groups. Custom User Login

Check the Custom User Login option to override global User Authentication defaults just for this Terminal.

Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom User Login

Figure 4.77. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom User Login

Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom User Login - Default

Figure 4.78. Admin Web App: Devices - Terminal - Custom User Login - Default

  • The options in these section are identical to the ones in Section 4.11.3, “User Authentication” with the addition of the Network NFC Card option.

  • Enter the name of the Network Card Reader below the Network NFC Card Reader label.


A Network Card Reader can be deployed for just one purpose. Either for Proxy Print Authentication or for Custom User Login at a Terminal Device.